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    • #74943

      HELP! My 2 year old granddaughter just emptied all over my living room a bottle of white out. Is there any way to get this out?

    • #305078

      Almost all stains are water soluable,and apply a clean, wet, white cloth while damping the spot will usually suffice/try not to smear and dab /also we carry cleaners specialty for removing glue on commercial installs,but a stain isn’t a stain until it ”sets in” so getting on it quick is usually the answer! White out is something i have never dealt with in carpet and by the post being a day old what ever you did… did..and whatever it is is but any spray cleaner might help now -hope this helps.

    • #305086
      doug seibert

      BIC makes several formulations both water and petroleum based…..Here’s their page about removal:

      “……measure Once…..cut Twice….
      throw that one away and cut a new one….”

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