Tommy Mac Discussions Forums Fix-it Forum: Home Improvement & Do It Yourself Repair Forum step by step of a mortar shower base on a ciment basement.


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    • #55952

      I saw this question, but i can’t find the answer to it. the area where i want build the shower does not match the measurements in shower base catalogues. I chose to build the shower base myself using mortar on the cement floor. When the house was being built we order to have rough ins for a three pieces bathroom. I need help and advices on how to proceed step by step on building this mortar shower base. what type of cement I need to use, the thickness, and all others materials.

      Please and thank you.

    • #270107

      try your local plumbing supply house or your plumber.

      leak proof and kit makes it that much easier than the old fashioned concrete base that leaks to the rubber pan and then eventually to the drain.

      Remember the past or all is lost.

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