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    • #74944

      I have a slow leak at the packing nut(one drop/sec). I can’t tighten the nut any more. The screw that holds the handle on has broken off, (the head of the screw) leaving part of the screw still retaining the handle. I would like to get the packing nut off but how do I get the handle off to accomplish this. Thank you. I appreciate any advice or ideas.

    • #305069
      doug seibert

      You can find teflon string packing to ADD to the existing packing…..(even with the handle attached)

      Shut OFF the Main water

      Unscrew the Bonnet under the handle

      Turn the handle to remove the stem…..

      Now “work” the bonnet on the stem to reveal the packing and ADD the additional wraps of string packing…..

      Replace all and check for leaks……

      “……measure Once…..cut Twice….
      throw that one away and cut a new one….”

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