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    • #70796
      Unregistered-Mary Brown

      How can I remove superglue from my dentures?

    • #295317

      Super glue has very poor shear strength which means it might be able to be chipped off carefully. Try working the point of a knife blade or something like a nut picker from your Christmas nut bowl, or even a large needle under an edge of the glue and gently prying it loose. Be careful! It is very easy to end up poking yourself that way! Also, putting the dentures in the freezer for a few hours should make the super glue a little more brittle and easier to chip off.

      Acetone, like fingernail cleaners, will dissolve super glue but it tastes terrible and I wouldn’t recommend it! I’m pretty sure it’s not healthy either.

    • #295340

      I have to ask – how did it get there in the first place? Inquiring minds want to know.

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