Tommy Mac Discussions Forums Fix-it Forum: Home Improvement & Do It Yourself Repair Forum Refinish kitchen cabinets, acrylic-like finish

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    • #48683

      In remodeling a 1950’s home, I have been to Bob Villa site 3 times. I’ve very happy with
      the response. Now, I have another question.
      I found hardwood in every room of the house. The small kitchen area is too rough to use, so I will put vinyl or tiles on it.
      I would like to have white cabinets. The walls and floor are hardwood or dark, so it needs brightening. I have most of the cabinets that I will need after a week-long scavenger hunt. What can I paint the cabinets with to give them that acrylic finish. I need to finish them in something extremely durable, due to children and dirty hands. Is there something I can use that will give the cabinets a shine, brightness, and extremely durable finish? I know the new cabinets that are out have that finish.
      They claim to be scratch and scar resisitant. Is there such a thing to paint on? If so, what?
      Am watching for your reply.


    • #254808

      You can paint after cleaning, slightly roughening the surface of, and priming. I’ve never been there but BobF, who posts here often, probably has pretty good instructions for this on his site. You will want to use an oil based enamel.

      But before you take this road, you might want to consider that a smooth white finish will show every discoloration, defect, mar and dirty fingerprint. A smooth surface shows defects more than a matte finish. The smooth finish can be easier to clean but it will need to be with the white color. Because there are so many variations of “off white”, depending on what color is used to mute the stark white of a pure titanium white, everything else that you have in your kitchen will be a different white and not match or look like it’s a little dirty. If you are going to be brush painting, drips and runs that don’t look like much will be much more visible with a little use.

      There is a solution to this that you might want to consider. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s, metal cabinets were popular. Now the old ones are collectible and you occasionally see posts here either offering them for sale or requesting sources. Youngstown is one of the brand names but there are others. If they are in reasonable condition to begin with, the metal cabinets can be a lot easier to refinish to a smooth, white look. You just use the same techniques that automotive body shop people use on cars of that era. You will want to spray the finish on, or have it sprayed, but a finish that is good for 10 years or so outside should last a while even with kids in the kitchen.

      Henry in MI

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