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    • #75179
      Unregistered-Tony Howard CEO of BP

      Dear DIYers,

      I need some ideas to plug a massive leak I have. My company just can’t seem to stop this leak. The liquid and gas coming out is under high pressure that probably caused the leak in the first place. Did I mention the leak is in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and at a very deep depth. I have tried shoving mud in the hole and cutting the pipe to screw on a cap but both have failed. I was thinking of using a big wad of Laffy Taffy or maybe a giant balloon over the end. Any Ideas would be appreciated.

      Thanks for your help.


    • #305756

      Wait I think i heard that was one of your scientist’s ideas.

      How about plugging it 1,000,000,000 pounds sterling. That ought to do it.

    • #305760

      If its a steel pipe.

      Why not crimp it until you drill into it later.

      It may not stop the flow but wouldn’t it at least slow it down.

    • #305765

      Tony, I liked the idea you had about covering the leak with the metal cage you first tried. I can’t believe you gave up after the first try. Bring it back to the top fix the freezing problem and try it again.

    • #305771
      Unregistered-Sylvan Tieger (Tieger plumbing)

      In the plumbing profession we have several means of plugging a pipe such as a test plug, test bulb.

      I would contact the manufacturer of these heavy duty rubber plugs as they come in various sizes up to 72″ and they can be lowered deflated guided into the pipe with a lead weight to pull it into the opening then inflate the test plug.

      Even with jagged edges it could work and it is highly resisted to oil and other harsh chemicals and the ribs would hold it in place, then air could be added when it starts to lose pressure.

      The lead weights would be heavier then oil so the un inflated test plug (ball) would sink below the pipe outlet.

      Of course this would never be approved as engineers and politicians always look to make something much more complicated and they have this need to point fingers rather then address the problem..

    • #305773


      -Lyrics by homebild
      -Copyright 2010

      There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea
      There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea
      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea

      Take the CEO who likes to crow
      Of his billions in dough
      Into the flow of the oil
      In the hole in the bottom of the Sea

      Let his lobbyists know
      They are the foe
      Of the regular Joe
      They tried to blow
      With the oil from the flow in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea.

      When you vote say NO!
      To the Congressman shmoe
      Who won’t try to slow
      The flow of the dough
      To his pockets you know
      With the oil from the flow in the hole in the bottom of the sea

      The Arctic Refuge floe
      Is no place to go
      To damage roe of the fish below
      Just for oil to flow from a hole in the bottom of the sea.

      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole
      There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea.

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