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    • #57296

      How can I prevent the molly bolts from digging into the wall surface. They will not grip and thus keep spinning and I cannot tighten the bolt sleve.

    • #273378
      doug seibert

      The hardware store sells a small tool that fits INTO the two holes/notchs in the head of the Molly…….Cheap stamped soft metal…..Shaped like a Y….only about 2″ long….(comes free in a box of mollies)… allows you to hold the molly from spinning while you screw the anchor in place…..

      In lieu of the special tool you could probably use a pair of needlenose or gas-pliers to hold the head/still until the molly starts expanding

      “…measure once…..cut twice….throw that one away and cut a new one….”

    • #273395

      the molly bolt is long enough, If it to short, the molly will also do what you describe.

      Let us know how it works out.

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