Tommy Mac Discussions Forums Fix-it Forum: Home Improvement & Do It Yourself Repair Forum Getting rid of skunks around my house at night

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    • #46833
      Unregistered-Lorna Rush

      I have read the questions about this subject but can’t seem to find any answers. The “threads” keep taking me back to questions. This skunk comes out every night and we can’t sleep with the smell anymore. How can we get rid of them? We’ve trie fox urine, moth balls, blocking off areas we think they come into the yard. Nothing is working, help, HELP.

    • #250549

      1. Get a big dog

      2. Get a bb gun and shoot at it when it comes in the yard. Wouldn’t take long for it to learn.

      3. Get a 12-guage, smell would go away just like it does now. Might want to check local hunting regs first tho.

      4. Go down to the local fishing and firearms store and pick up some traps – humane or inhumane, your choice.

      Don’t know if any of those will work for you but that is all that I can think of. I did just notice on the left there are some sponsor links for getting rid of skunks. Might check those out.

      Let us know.

      Moderator – Construction Project Blog

      Some have better luck next time around,
      some don’t, and some don’t even try.

    • #250560

      Skunks usually come around a particular yard for a food source. As Jay J’s link points out, they like grubs. Putting down a strong insecticide such as GrubX will help. Skunks can do much more damage than just digging a few holes. Thye can rut up your lawn to the point that you would swear that someone took a rototiller to wreck your lawn.
      As to killing them, I can speak from personal experience that it doesn’t make much difference if you shoot them in the head, gut shoot, etc. They will all spray and stink up the place. My gun of choice is the 12 gauge with #4 or larger shot. Less chance of just wounding it. Although a 22 will work just fine if you are a good shot. Of course this depends where you live and how close your neighbors are.
      Good Luck!

    • #250775

      Hard as it may be for some to understand, Skunks may be protected animals in an area. Getting a dog is the last thing you want, because dogs as nice as they are with humans, do nothing but irritate a skunk, you don’t want to do that, because if you think the stink is bad now…well you know.

      A few years ago we had to hire a professional exterminator to come in and rid us of these creatures. What we found out was the skunks liked our yard because we had an olive tree that was dropping fruit they liked. The landlord didn’t want to cut the tree down, so we suffered with the skunks. It cost the landlord $35.00 each time the exterminator emptied the trap. He emptied it 8 times, including once when a stray cat wandered in. The animals were released in the wild, never to return, at least while we lived in the residence.

    • #273496

      Try a mixture of cayenne and black pepper. A shot of dried jalepeno wouldn’t hurt. Spread the mix around the area you want the skunks to stay out of. This worked for me. Good luck.

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