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    • #45982

      I hung a door yesterday ~ did a really good job ~ impressed hubby anyway. But my problem is that even tho my door is done correctly, my floor is obviously not.

      It’s not enough to move the hinges because the screw would just slip back into the old hole.

      It’s a hollow door so I don’t know about sanding it down? What do y’all think?


      Formerly AJ-trucker’s wife

    • #248610

      Maybe you can sand it down and then put wood on the bottom of the door to cover the opening.

      PS: How much do you want for one of those old plugs. I still think I might want them.

    • #248615
      doug seibert

      …..and fits the frame correctly……and the floor is crooked……You can trim the door so it swings freely without hitting the floor or carpet…..A hollow core door has scribe blocks to allow for some trimming…….

      If you do need to relocate the hinges:

      …Fill the “wrong” holes with wood glue and TOOTHPICKS or another sliver of wood….Then relocate the hinge screws……

      …and You can even fill an incorrect hinge mortise with glue/thin stock and recut the hinge mortise with a router….

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