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    • #46853

      how do you determine how many cubic yards of concrete are needed when the floor or slab is round?

    • #250589

      It as the subject line says.

      If you have a round slab, 10 feet in diameter. it would be calculated thusly. 1/2 of diameter is the radius = 5 feet.

      5 feet times 5 feet = 25 feet squared.
      25 squared feet times 3.14(PI)=78.5

      Assume the slab is 4 inches thick, therefore
      4 inches divided by 12 inches = 1/3 of a foot.

      So 3.14 times 25 times 1/3 = 26.14 cubic feet.

      1 yard is equal to 27 cubic feet, therefore 26.14 divided by 27 = .97 yards of comcrete.

      Hope that makes sense?

      Let us know how it works out.

    • #250647

      Thanks for the tip, I cannot begain to tell you how much help I got out of it, thank again!

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