
I just found this site looking for caradco windows and see that people are having the same problems I am.

I rewindowed my house in 1991 with caradco casement windows. All are in various stages of rot.

I first noticed it in or about 1996 when one of my large picture windows with casements on the side was in a severe state of rot. I try for a number of years to salvage this window but to no avail. In the meantime, two other smaller casements developed rot.
All rot is on or in the baseboard of the windows. I contacted my dealer here who could only give me sympathy and sell me lumber to replace the rotted parts.

Here is what I found. The base boards were at that time made of western pine. The replacement boards offer to me were redwood or extruded alummin.( howcome they didn’t put redwood or extruded alummin in in the first place?) I took the red wood and tried to do the repair. The redwood is doing fine, but the rest of the window from the base board up are.

So I have replaced the two worst windows and will continued to replace the remainder over the next couple years. This time I am very careful about
the warranties and the guarrantees.

The windows also develop other problems, such as the cranks mechanism falling apart. My dealer has none of these parts available. So I am savaging from the replaced windows or searching the internet.