doug seibert

Thanks Tom for my update…..I’m back on auxiliary power………

Thanks for the offer AJ……I just borrowed my Bro-in-law’s generator…..his power in Cocoa has already been restored……

We spent today out-of-town getting the chainsaw serviced……restocking Ice and Gas…….Catching up on the TV News……enjoying a HOT shower…..ahhhhh!Civilization…….

The damage in Orlando is numbing……Everywhere trees are down taking the overhead power and utilities with them………making a maze of the city streets……

At least we have clean city water available……..

Greg’s House is standing……But a neighbor’s tree has swallowed his side-fence and backyard……..And his CollegePark neighborhood is still mostly without power……

No word from ModeratorBlakeGermaine….also in Orlando…….

Signing off…..back to camping-out……later doug