
TSP stands for Tri-sodium Phosphate. It is an alkaline detergent that you can often find at paint stores / paint departments. It should be a good start. I use a cleaner that is also alkaline, and one of the major ingredients is also in Formula 409. Scrub and rinse with clear water. Either of those would be a good place to start. But test in an inconspicuous spot to make sure the finish won’t be damaged. If they (or Dawn(r) and water) aren’t doing the job, look for https://shop.guardsman.com/store/results/product_list_theme_6/?product_category_id=226

I have taken off tobacco smoke that resisted 4 applications of Murphy’s oil soap with these wipes.

You may also find that the smoke odor is into the interior of the casework. Often this is raw wood. The best sealer for this is shellac. You can buy it as “Seal Coat” in a brush on formulation or in an aerosol can as “Bullseye” Shellac.

I would not put shellac on the outside as it has an amber cast to it and will discolor a painted finish.