
yes, someone could estimate it, just not on an internet forem. Too many variables without actually looking at what has to be done and labor costs differ in different areas.
Want your shutters replaced … live near me, if they’re exterior, vinyl, in stock, off the shelf, locally available, exact fit, match and color, simple remove and replace, no unforseen problems, first floor, no ladder, no shrubs or rose bushes to contend with, one set …. 15 mins. give me $20. and cost of shutters.
2nd floor, 3rd floor, other, need extension ladder, roof jacks, scaffold, funcional, decorative, wood, vinyl, off the shelf, custom built,special order, prime/paint, replace hardware, attached to brick, stone, block, screws easily removed, replace anchors and whatever else I may have missed…. that would take a little more time and cost “slightly” more.