
We had a lot of rain on the NE coast – as you probably seen on TV.

I just put on a light synthetic sweater, sandles and turn on my hand held leaf blowers and blow and mow in the rain. I own a middle of the pack (not the most powerful) but solid leaf blower. I just use it on the wet grass/leaves. When there are grass to be cut, I blow the leaves away from the shrubs then mow the whole lawn to suck up the leaves.

One of my neighbor has this real powerful blower with wheels and a backpack blower and he blows all the leaves onto the street without bagging. The other neighbor uses a lawn service. The third neighbor rakes onto a sheet but he has a small lawn.

So we are all different, and since this is the first time I own a house with falling leaves, I don’t have a neighbor to emulate.

Hence all the questions.