
Here’s a web site that explains an Aerobic Septic System.


* Here in North Texas, I went for 15 years with septic problems. Affluent would come out of the ground. My front yard was a yucky-mucky mess! I had extra lateral lines installed to no avail. I had 10 truck loads of my front lawn dirt trucked out and new dirt brought in. Worked ok for two years theb back to the same problems. One fine day, I saw an 18 wheeler truck carrying three septic tanks, The middle one looked different! I got in my car and followed it! They installed it at a house whose affluent was flowing over their neighbors driveway and into a ditch. They installed the Aerobic system. From that day, 8 years ago, to today they have not had a problem. I also got an Aerobic system installed. 15 years of grief ended in one day! On my system, the affluent foes into the first tank, then into the 2nd tank. An air compressor punps air from the bottom continually aerating the water. From there it goes past a clorine station and then into the third tank. From the third tank, the water is 98% pure, so they say. At this point mine pumps the water into a six headed sprinkler system to water the grass.
At one time I couldn’t flush the toilet while it was raining because it would backup right into the bathroom floor! No I flush it just for the hell of it to see it go!
* Enough.. Adios… Jasper

Jasper Castillo